UV Ballast Water Management System Advantages

A UV ballast water management system is a means for controlling and managing the ballast water on ships to prevent the spread of harmful marine organisms. Ships use ballasts, which are large water tanks filled with sea water and located in strategic areas around the ship, for balance depending on …

Benefits of UV Air Purifier for HVAC Systems

UV air purifier for HVAC systems provides many health benefits by keeping air clean, disinfected, and free from irritants, pollutants, and germs. UV air purification systems used in HVAC and AC units provide significant health benefits to people in many environments such as public buildings, hospitals, nursing homes and doctor …

How Effective is UV Light to Kill Germs?

The effectiveness of UV light to kill germs is proven in many germicidal applications such as air purification systems and water disinfection applications. UV light also kills germs on surfaces and is used in many applications such as food buffets and grocery stores. UV germicidal lamps harness the power of …

UV Water Treatment Systems are Eco Friendly and Safe

UV water treatment systems are used around the world to provide environmentally safe, eco-friendly water disinfection. For a water treatment system to be considered “green”, it must not add any byproducts to the water. UV water disinfection is a physical process that adds nothing to the water and does not …

UV Disinfection Eliminates Germs Chlorine Doesn’t

We’ve been hearing a lot about UV disinfection and the many uses for disinfecting air, water, and surfaces, but do you know that UV radiation can eliminate germs that chlorine does not? Ultraviolet (UV) germicidal radiation is a popular method of disinfection in many water and air purification systems, due …

UV Light Kills Bacteria in Air Treatment Systems

UV light kills bacteria in many disinfection and purification systems, providing clean air and water to a multitude of applications. When ultraviolet (UV) light is emitted at the wavelength of 254 nanometers (nm), the UVC radiation is instantly effective at eradicating all harmful contaminants and microorganisms. UVC radiation at 254nm …

Where to Find the Best UV Light Air Purifier

UV light air purifier systems are one of the most cost-effective and safest methods used to purify the air we breathe.  UV air purification systems are used in municipalities and industrial applications to remove harmful contaminants from the air and eliminate odors. UV light air purification helps industries in complying …

Quality Lamps Enhance Benefits of UV Air Purifier Systems

UV air purifier systems are highly effective at disinfecting and purifying the air, proven to eradicate bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, spores, dust mites, and many other contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).  UVC lamps generate UV radiation at 254 nanometer (nm) which is required to penetrate the nucleic acid of …

UV Water Purifier Using UVC Radiation

A UV water purifier is an extremely effective and cost-efficient method of purifying and disinfecting water for various applications.  UVC radiation is used in UV water disinfection systems worldwide, proven effective at cleaning and purifying water in various forms.  Light is broken into colors and measured by wavelengths in nanometers …