Industrial UV Air System Technology and Applications

OEMs across the globe utilize industrial UV air systems due to an increasing awareness of the importance of protecting our environment and the consequences when we do not. Clean air is at the front and center of those concerns and today’s advanced industrial UV air systems provide a broad range …

Water Purification with UV Light

Safe drinking water one of our most important basic needs and water purification with UV light is an efficient solution. The World Health Organization reports that even today about 11 percent of the world’s population, or 783 million people, do not have access to safe water. Fortunately germicidal UVC technology …

Ultraviolet Air Purification

Ultraviolet air purification is part of a growing trend for companies to meet stricter federal and state regulations with environmentally friendly solutions. Germicidal lamps provide this solution with innovative technologies for disinfecting air, water, and surfaces.  UV air treatment is safe, simple, and cost-effective making it popular for many businesses.  …