Verschiedenen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von UV-Licht

Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von UV-Licht umfassen eine breite Palette von Anwendungen in gewerblichen, industriellen und medizinischen Einrichtungen. Ultraviolettes Licht (UV-Licht) wird basierend auf dem Nanometer oder der Wellenlänge der UV-Emissionen in drei grundlegende Kategorien unterteilt: UVA, UVB und UVC. UVC-Licht hat die kürzeste Wellenlänge, die von der Sonne ausgestrahlt wird, und …

Ultraviolet Light Disinfection: History, Effectiveness and Uses

World events such as the global pandemic of COVID-19 have instigated much dialogue pertaining to Ultraviolet light disinfection as an effective way to disinfect homes, businesses, and medical facilities, including hospitals. UV lamps are now being utilized in air, surface, and water disinfection systems worldwide to combat the spread of …

Hospital UV Light Disinfection: Many Uses with Big Benefits

Most of us know that UV light can kill viruses and bacteria with germicidal properties, but do you know how it works and the many benefits of hospital UV light disinfection? Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation emitted in various wavelengths, either UVA, UVB, or UVC, with short-wave UVC having …

Lamps for UV Light Food Disinfection Equipment

UV light food disinfection is a process referred to as irradiation, which in spite of the term, does not add radiation to food or make food radioactive in any way.  Food irradiation is a completely safe process of disinfecting food with UV lamps which are designed to emit wavelengths in …

Killing Bacteria with UV Light

Killing bacteria with UV light is highly effective when using UVC germicidal lamps, designed to emit shortwave UVC radiation which is proven to kill many types of bacteria as well as viruses, mold, mildew, harmful pathogens, and foul odors. UV light can be divided into UVA 320-400 nm, UVB 290-320 …

UV Light Disinfection Robot: Still a Viable, Cost-Effective Solution

Service robots have been used in the medical field for many years with robots assisting with surgery, roaming bots with tablets allowing for physician tele-visits and even drones delivering emergency medical equipment. Robots have many other applications in the healthcare industry such as UV light disinfection robots which are becoming …

UV Light Robots Effective in Fight Against Virus Infection

UV light robots utilizing UVC germicidal lamps are in high demand in the fight against the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted in the UVC wavelength is proven to have highly effective germicidal properties, quickly eradicating harmful pathogens on …

UV Kitchen Exhaust: Self-Cleaning Technology

UV Kitchen Exhaust: Benefits Beyond Disinfection UV light technology provides disinfection solutions to a variety of air, surface, and water treatment applications with high-intensity UV lamps proven to break down organic compounds. UVC germicidal lamps are used in a multitude of environments where eliminating harmful microorganisms is critical, such as …