UVB light simply means ultraviolet (UV) light that has a wavelength between 280 – 315 nanometer, nm. Ultraviolet light falls on the electromagnetic spectrum between visible light and x-rays and is generally divided into three sub-bands characterized by wavelengths:
- UVA (315 to 400 nm) near UV
- UVB (280 to 315 nm) middle UV
- UVC (180 to 280 nm) far UV
Does UVB Light Reach The Earth’s Surface?
UVA wavelengths are the longest and account for approximately 95% of UV radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface. The ozone layer absorbs most UVB light from the sun, and medium UVB wavelengths cannot penetrate beyond the superficial layer of skin. UVB wavelengths contribute to delayed tanning, sunburn, skin aging, and skin cancer. The ozone layer absorbs all UVC short-wave radiation.
UVB light is very biologically active in that it is what helps the body produce vitamin D3. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus and is vital to bone health. The difference is that Vit D3 is the natural form of vitamin D that is produced by the body from sunlight.
Why Vitamin D Is so Important
A vitamin D deficiency can lead to a loss of bone density, which contributes to bone fractures, broken bones, and osteoporosis. A severe deficiency of vitamin D can also lead to other diseases, such as rickets in children, which is a rare disease that causes the bones to become so soft they bend.
Vitamin D is also important for the immune system, and some studies suggest that vitamin D can help protect people against infections, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, respiratory disease, and other illnesses.
Treating Vitamin D Deficiency with UVB Bulb
UVB bulbs have been shown to increase vitamin D3 production and, according to some studies, can be more efficient than exposure to sunlight. Skin that is exposed to UVB light in the range of 297 nm will transform cholesterol into vitamin D3, and only a small amount in the range of 50-100 mili joules is needed to generate vitamin D3. Exposure to strong sunshine for about 15 minutes daily is considered adequate, although people living in the northern hemisphere during the winter when sunlight is scarce could become vitamin D deficient.
UVB bulbs that produce precisely 297 nm are required to realize optimal vitamin D3 production, converting 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) to pre-vitamin D3, which will undergo a subsequent rearrangement to vitamin D3. UVB light to produce vitamin D3 is also important for animals and many reptiles that synthesize vitamin D3 when their skin is exposed to UVB light. A lack of exposure to UVB light can lead to metabolic bone disease in reptiles and amphibians because most reptile species are not able to utilize dietary vitamin D3.
UVB bulbs should only be used to treat human vitamin D deficiency or other health conditions under the care of a physician. Exposure to lamps at this nanometer could damage the skin and eyes, and a medical professional should ensure proper lamp type and exposure is being used for UVB light therapy treatment of any disease.
UVB Light Therapy
UVB lamps are reported to have been used to treat a variety of health conditions dating back to the early 1900s. Many medical phototherapy lamps utilize UVB lamps which are proven to effectively treat a host of conditions such as:
- Mood disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Skin conditions
UVB bulbs improve skin conditions when administered properly under a doctor’s care, oftentimes by shutting down overactive cells in the skin. UVB and narrowband UVB bulbs are used to treat psoriasis to decrease symptoms and promote healing. UVB and narrowband UVB light is also used to treat eczema, and primarily UVB narrowband bulbs are shown effective at treating vitiligo by helping to repigment cells. LightSources offers UVB light therapy lamps and other medical phototherapy lamps designed to meet specific treatment needs.
UV Germicidal ApplicationsLightSources is a leading global lamp supplier, offering UVB light solutions with a variety of UVB lamps custom-designed to meet your specific application requirements. We offer global resources, a high-tech glass factory, UV lighting engineers, and specialists with in-depth knowledge of UV electromagnetic radiation and lamp design. Contact us to source high-quality, long-lasting UVB bulbs to meet a variety of applications that require specific wavelengths of UVB light.
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