Germicidal UVC technology is a safe and economical method for drinking water purification; in some cases, UVC treatment is more effective than chemical disinfectants because it can kill pathogens, such as cryptosporidium and giardia bacterium, that chlorine cannot. Additionally, UVC leaves no byproducts and does not change the color, taste, odor, or pH of the water.

In the United States, almost every source of drinking water – including rivers, recycled water reservoirs, aquifers, and lakes  – has some level of contamination due to toxic bacteria, chemicals, and heavy metals. In accordance with new government legislation, municipalities are looking for new ways to treat water. UV technology is more cost-effective than ozone disinfection units and membrane filters.

Light Sources and LightTech’s strategic partnership offers low-pressure standard quartz germicidal lamps and low-pressure high-output germicidal lamps are used in municipal and domestic applications worldwide to disinfect and oxidize drinking water, as well as to reduce TOCs and chloride/chloramines.  Our germicidal lamps can generate UV radiation at 185nm and 254 nm – the combination of which is necessary for the photooxidation of organic compounds. Radiation at 185nm produces ozone, which is active oxygen. Ozone is one of the most effective natural bactericides and can kill almost every form of virus. Radiation at 254nm is an effective disinfectant. At this wavelength, UVC is absorbed by the organism’s DNA, eliminating its ability to reproduce.

Lamp Product Data:
UV Germicidal Lamps

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