Aristo Archive Lamps
Aristo Archive Lamps Since 1939 Aristo has served many markets. As of 2009 with the acquisition of Aristo into the Light Sources family, many products Aristo had been known for are no longer available. This listing of product information is to being put together on a best effort basis for those who have or may find Aristo’s quality products out in the market.

VCL4500 Temperture Probe Installation

Aristo VCL4500 Adaptor Plate for D57 Enlarger

VCL4500 Adaptation to Zone VI Enlarger

Aristo V56 and V810 Substage Lighting
“Designed for sub stage lighting, viewing, transparency, duplicating, copying, etc.”

Aristo Vivitar V6 Cold Light Head
Coverage: 2.25 sq. inch

Aristo T12 Cold Light Head for Salzman, EK Autofocus and Elwood 8 x 10(with slight modification) Enlargers.
Coverage: 8 x 10 inch

Aristo Transluminators
Where cool even light is essential for accurate quality reproducing in cool separation, screen, line or negative positive work and microphotography.

Aristo Standard 45 Cold Light Head for 4 x 5, Federal, DeJur Enlargers and View Cameras
Coverage: 8 x 10 inch

Aristo Platinum Printer
The Aristo Platinum Printer, designed for the master printer who demand the best equipment possible, is now available to everyone who prints with platinum or palladium.

Aristo PGC20 Substage Lighting
“Inspection- Viewing – Exposing-Photographing Poly Acrylamide Gels”

MS1417 Light Box for Light Source for X-Ray Micro-Filming
“Designed for sub stage lighting, viewing, transparency, duplicating, copying, etc..”

MICII-2 Macro Series
Three Ring Lamp for Photo and Vision Applications

Aristo MIC1 Series
Double Ring Microscope Lamp for Bausch & Lomb and Olympus Microscope

Aristo MIC Series
Single Ring Microscope Lamp for Bausch & Lomb and Olympus Microscope

Aristo M1457-3 Series
Double Ring Microscope Lamp for Bausch & Lomb and Olympus Microscope

Aristo M1457-2 Series
Double Ring Microscope Lamp for Bausch & Lomb and Olympus Microscope

Aristo HI23 Cold Light Head for Omega B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, DeJur & Federal Enlargers
Coverage: 2.25 x 3.25 inch

Aristo HI Frequency Illuminators
Perfect for vision systems where 60 cycle is a problem giving clean images at any scan rate. Intensity 2,000 Foot Lamberts, (17-19 kHz.)

Aristo Graph Larger 2×3 and 4×5 Replacment lamps.

Aristo F1814 Series Lamp
The F1814 Series probe lamp is used in Olympus 3060 and Pacific Western Over-head MUX Prober.
Aristo F1814 Series

Aristo EK57 Series Cold Light Head for EK Autofocus and Omega E3 Enlargers
Coverage: 5x 7 inch
Aristo EK57 Series Cold Light Head

E Series Custom Light Boxes
Designed for evaluation of aerial film. Units feature a compact black aluminum lamp housing. Includes diffuser and power supplies with adjustable intensity control.

Aristo DL1200 Cold Light Head for Durst Laborator 1200 Enlarger.
Coverage: 4 x 5 inch

Aristo D1414 Series Cold Light Head for Durst 8 x 10 Enlarger.
Coverage: 10 x 10 inch

Aristo D750 Dimmer
The Aristo 750-Dimmer solid state dimmer has a smooth rotary action that provides infinite control over a full range of intensity levels. The 750-Dimmer is designed for use with most Aristo Cold Lights and is capable of handling up to 750 Watt inductive load. It is housed in an attractive sturdy metal case, complete with on/off toggle switch and six foot long power cord. This unit features a second adjustment for setting minimum brightness levels.

Aristo D57 Cold Light Head for Durst 5 x 7 Enlarger.
Coverage: 5 x 7 inch

DA17 Do-All Light Box
You have just become the owner of the most versatile, all-purpose photographic light source ever devised. The Aristo DA17, being larger than its well know smaller version, the DA10, is a “Do-All” light source whose versatility exceeds even that of its smaller brother. While the DA17 will perform all the suggested illumination jobs outlined below; in the final analysis, it’s varied uses are limited only by your
imagination. Before making any exposures, allow the DA17 to warm up for a few minutes in order to redistribute/activate the mercury vapor inside the lamp. This “pre-warming” should be done whenever the DA17 remains idle for several days or weeks.

DA10 Do-All Light Box
You have just become the owner of the most versatile, all-purpose photographic light source ever devised.
As you work with it, the Aristo DA10 will become an indispensable light tool to you in the many illumination jobs it is capable of performing. With a little experimenting and a little imagination, we are certain you will find still more, and possibly better, methods of using this unusual “Do-All” light source in your operation, than are listed here.

General Installation for Omega D Series Enlargers: D2, D3, D5 & D6
Aristo units designed for installation on Omega D Series enlargers come in a single unit and are self-contained. These normally are equipped with two cords on the cold light head. The two pronged cord operates the lamp and may be plugged into your timer or footswitch. The three prong cord, which operate the thermostatically controlled heater, is plugged into any available 115 Vac outlet.

Aristo D6 Cold Light Head for Omega D6 Enlarger.
Complete System: 2 pc set with separate power pack
Coverage: 4 x 5 inch

Aristo Omega D Series Cold Light Head for D2, D3. D4, D5 and Besler 4×5* Enlargers
Coverage: 4 x 5 inch

General Installation for 4 x 5, 5 x 7 and 8 x 10 Enlargers
Aristo units designed for installation on 4 x 5, 5 x 7 and 8 x 10 enlargers come in a single unit and are generally
self-contained. These normally are equipped with two cords on the cold light head. The two pronged cord operates the
lamp and may be plugged into your timer or footswitch. The three prong cord, which operate the thermostatically controlled
heater, is plugged into any available 115 Vac outlet.

Aristo CL4500 Series For Omega D Series Only, not Bessler 4×5
Variable Contrast Single Lamp System with Filter Drawer and LED

Aristo CL45 Series For Omega D Series Only, not Bessler 4×5
Variable Contrast Single Lamp System with Filter Drawer

Aristo Besler 67 Cold Light Head for Besler 67 Enlarger.
Coverage: 6 x 7 cm

Besler 4×5 Mounting Instructions

Aristo BES23C Cold Light Head for Besler 23C Enlarger.
Coverage: 2.25 x 3.25 inch
Aristo B23C Series Cold Light Head Information

Aristo B22 Cold Light Head for Omega B22 and Omega B66 Enlargers
Coverage: 2.25 square inch

Aristo 1212 Cold Light Head for EK Autofocus and Elwood Enlargers
Coverage: 8 x 10 inch

Aristo 1200 Contactor If you are using a digital or solid state timer, check the manufacturers specifications to see of your model is
compatible and can handle the inductive load of a cold light head. If you are uncertain, a 1200-Contactor can be purchased from Aristo to protect your timer. The 1200-Contactor is a solid state booster and switching unit designed to isolate Aristo’s cold light heads from digital and solid state times that can not properly handle inductive loads created by the transformer.

Aristo 810 Cold Light Head for EK Autofocus and Elwood Enlargers
Coverage: 8 x 10 inch

Aristo 601 Cold Light Head for Durst 601 Enlarger.
Coverage: 3 x 3.5 inch.

Aristo 88 Cold Light Head for Salzman 5 x 7 Enlargers
Coverage: 8 x 8 inch

Aristo Omega 67 Cold Light Head for Omega 67 Enlarger.
Coverage: 6 x 7 inch
Aristo 67 Cold Light Head